
Tips toward good rice head yields

Here are several tips that will affect rice head yields, according to different studies. Varietal characteristics includes physical and chemical characteristics of grain, time of maturity, and uniformity of ripening. Time of planting. Early plantings of non-photoperiod sensitive varieties result in grain ripening during periods of wide day/night temperatures or high daytime temperatures which does…

watering certified seed potatoes

Growing certified seed potatoes

A potato, whether grown for the table, the processing plant, or as a source of seed for other potato growers, is a unique and sometimes unappreciated cash crop. Its food value is mainly due to the high starch content (12-20%) and the fact that potatoes are an important source of vitamin C. Potatoes also contain…

canola crop

Canola production

What makes this green plant with the bright yellow flowers so appealing as a speciality crop alternative to wheat or barley? Many predict a bright future for this colorful cool-weather crop, and center Pivot irrigators already have a tool to achieve maximum yields. Canola seeds contain from 35-44% oil and about 23% protein compared to…