establishing realistic yield goals

Cheap schemes to increase yield

There are some valid production practices that will add dollars to a farmer’s pocket, and they are cheap. In fact, they cost nothing except for the doing. Crop prices are set, and set low. The only way to make money is to bring the cost of production down. Going cheap doesn’t have to be a…

saline waters for irrigation

The use of saline waters for irrigation

Irrigated land may include widespread use of saline waters The use of saline waters for irrigation is a subject of much controversy. Most farmers aren’t interested in using saline waters, they want more fresh water. But we must be looking to the future. We have to find out what’s technically feasible so we’re not like…

canola crop

Canola production

What makes this green plant with the bright yellow flowers so appealing as a speciality crop alternative to wheat or barley? Many predict a bright future for this colorful cool-weather crop, and center Pivot irrigators already have a tool to achieve maximum yields. Canola seeds contain from 35-44% oil and about 23% protein compared to…