cattle grazing on land irrigated by center Pivots

Center Pivots help keep cattle well fed

Important decisions are not to be taken lightly, especially when you’re carrying on a family farm. In recent years, farmers have been dealing with steadily rising energy costs and a declining water table. Where they once had plenty of water to flood irrigate, today they have to find ways to make less water go further…

center pivot irrigation

Pivot management

The system design printout includes a precipitation chart that lists the total inches (mm) of water applied for different speed settings on the central control panel. Runoff control Runoff from center pivot irrigation can be controlled by changing the optional speed control setting to adapt the precipitation rate to the soil infiltration rate. Agronomic methods…

water movement

Soil-water relationship

The role of schedulers of irrigation water does not end when an irrigation system has been installed, nor does it end when the distribution system is applying water. It’s important to review the characteristics of the soil-water relationship.