selecting new pivot sprinklers

Pivot sprinklers

Upgrading Pivot sprinklers is a prime way to boost efficiency. Sprinkler technology has evolved significantly over the last few decades, so if older model sprinklers are being used, efficiency might be increased by updating the package. Further, brass sprinklers can wear when used to distribute sandy water, so updating these sprinklers can boost efficiency and…

green circle farming

Circle farming

Circle farming is practiced extensively where growers use center Pivots. It is a practice that reduces run-off, which is a problem for center Pivots on sloping and clay loam soils. Circle farming holds water where it’s needed. Water movement in the furrow between two crop rows of clay loam, silty clay loam and other soils…

underground pipeline

Mainline pipe

The connecting link between the pump and the irrigation system is the mainline. Mainline material is normally steel, aluminium with couplers, cement asbestos or plastic. Sizes can range from 5″ to 48″ plus. Generally with center Pivot, a water source at the pivot is most convenient. When water is unavailable at the pivot, a mainline…