ITC dosing pumps
The ITC dosing pump is an active injection equipment used for agricultural and industrial purposes. It has an electric motor that allows a very reliable control of the injection.
In order to guarantee a proper application of products it is important to do a good dimensioning of the fertilizer injection system.
On one hand, injections inferior than needed mean a low yielding of the application menacing the irrigation area development. Excessive injections mean losses of fertilizers but can also convey the pollution of soil, underground waters and the burning of foliage.
Fertigation and chemigation in Pivots and lateral move systems
Application of fertilizers, bionutrients and chemical products by means of center Pivot irrigation systems or lateral move machines.
The application of fertilizers through mechanized irrigation is very uniform and allows for a reduction of: application costs, soil compaction, mechanical damages caused in the irrigation area, daily applications…
Equipment Installation
The equipment is usually placed inside the ‘irrigation head’ in the case of fixed systems. In mobile irrigation systems, the equipment is placed on the Pivot base.
The following PDF file shows how the different elements should be installed in order to guarantee a proper operation: tank of chemical products or fertilizers, aspiration hose, ITC pump, diffuser check valve, non-return valve, turbine agitator…