watering certified seed potatoes

Growing certified seed potatoes

A potato, whether grown for the table, the processing plant, or as a source of seed for other potato growers, is a unique and sometimes unappreciated cash crop. Its food value is mainly due to the high starch content (12-20%) and the fact that potatoes are an important source of vitamin C. Potatoes also contain…

cattle grazing on land irrigated by center Pivots

Center Pivots help keep cattle well fed

Important decisions are not to be taken lightly, especially when you’re carrying on a family farm. In recent years, farmers have been dealing with steadily rising energy costs and a declining water table. Where they once had plenty of water to flood irrigate, today they have to find ways to make less water go further…

irrigated area

Irrigated acreages

Irrigated acreage, when combined with the crop water needs, form the basis for the system water requirement. Thus, accurate field measurements properly size the center pivot and also help determine the volume of water to be pumped. – Determine the precise field dimensions and draw a scaled field map. Label all dimensions. – Generally, the…