center Pivot nozzle chart

Center Pivot maintenance in the winter

Pivot maintenance should be performed in the winter, by carrying out a series of checks to make corrections and get the most out of the Pivot system. Center Pivot irrigation systems and linear irrigation systems can reach up to 90-95% efficiency with 85% uniformity (minimum acceptable level before the system needs maintenance or replaced emitters)….

metal goosenecks for center Pivot drops

Steel goosenecks for center Pivot drops

When irrigating using center Pivot systems, it is important to avoid losing water due to wind dispersion and evaporation. Installing drops helps to solve these issues by allowing emitters to be placed closer to the ground. These drops are comprised mainly of metal or plastic goosenecks and pipes measuring 3/4” in diameter. While plastic goosenecks…

center pivot irrigation systems

Why irrigate with a center Pivot system or rainger?

By means of center Pivot irrigation systems and raingers, the right amount of water is provided at the right time and evenly supplied. Center Pivot irrigation or linear irrigation systems vs. flood irrigation More efficient use of water A precise, even application of the water is achieved along the furrows, instead of too much water…