cattle grazing on land irrigated by center Pivots

Center Pivots help keep cattle well fed

Important decisions are not to be taken lightly, especially when you’re carrying on a family farm. In recent years, farmers have been dealing with steadily rising energy costs and a declining water table. Where they once had plenty of water to flood irrigate, today they have to find ways to make less water go further…

linear irrigation design

Linear irrigation design

The purpose of this design guide is to acquaint the irrigation designer with some of the unique considerations involved in designing linear irrigation system installations. This guide does not attempt to cover the basic linear irrigation system design considerations such as water quality, crop consumptive use requirements, water management, climate, etc; it is assumed the…

linear irrigation systems

Linear irrigation system

In this article, we will discuss when and where linear irrigation systems offer more advantages that are not found in other irrigation methods. Here are some typical crop production challenges that are causing growers to choose linear pivot irrigation: Wherever hand move aluminium sprinkler pipe is utilized for germination and/or crop production. Labor costs can be…